To explore the lives of students in a world of fast fashion we took a trip down student street and asked them one simple question: ‘can we see your iron?’. Check out what happened in our video below. Here’s some snapshots from behind the scenes: Student experience
Redefining alumni relations at Lond... "We use the report produced by Alterline as the foundation for all our work." Olivia Rainford,…
Student Life Pulse Light 2024 Run our Light Student Life Pulse insight programme in the Autumn 2024. Get in touch…
Do brands’ ethics matter to s... S'tudents are often portrayed as being the ethical pioneers. To see if this rings true,…
YUSU Strategic Planning Over the last few years, Alterline has worked with students’ unions across the country…
Alumni Engagement Summit 2nd March ... We're delighted to invite you to attend a day of free online sessions aimed at…