Understanding the experience of students from the LGBTQ+ community – report now available to purchase

What is the university experience of undergraduate students from the LGBTQ+ community and how can you engage and support them effectively?

Many students do not experience equality of opportunity in higher education. This is true across the three main stages of a student’s higher education journey: access, participation and progression. To help tackle this inequality, the OfS have recently published an Equality of Opportunity Risk Register (the EORR), which identifies 12 sector-wide risks that may affect a student’s opportunity to access and succeed in higher education. Students from the LGBTQ+ community are identified within the EORR as potentially being at risk in four key areas: academic support; personal support; mental health and progression.

This new research from Alterline will provide fresh quantitative and qualitative evidence to inform the participation and progression strategies you’re adopting right now to support students from the LGBTQ+ community, helping you mitigate the risks within your own student population as well as contributing to understanding at a national level.

This research report will support you in understanding:

  • What is the student experience like for undergraduates from the LGBTQ+ community?
  • What about their  student experience is a barrier to progression? How can this be improved?
  • What support and interventions are effective/ineffective from students’ perspectives
  • What other support could have an impact on retention and outcomes for students from the LGBTQ+ community? 

More about the ‘Experience of students from the LGBTQ+ community’ project

This qualitative research project provides fresh qualitative evidence to inform the participation and progression strategies to support students from the LGBTQ+ community.

28 one-to-one interviews with undergraduate students from the LGBTQ+ community, were conducted between January and February 2024 by a moderator also from that community, to gather thoughts, experiences and views in more depth.

Throughout the research, we use the terminology ‘students from the LGBTQ+ community’. LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or queer and the plus symbolises all the other identities not captured in the acronym. We recognize that individuals identify with the identities within this acronym to varying extents and, where possible, we have drawn out findings which relate to particular groups within the wider community.

The report was completed in March 2024.

As well as the full research findings, insights and evidence from the qualitative research project, the full 48-page report includes an executive summary and practical recommendations.

Report themes include:

  • Inclusivity and belonging
  • Wellbeing and academic life
  • Life after university

Project partners

This project was developed in partnership with two university clients who helped to shape the research design through our collaborative research model. With thanks to:

  • University of Bristol
  • University of Winchester