This research project, completed in 2020, provides new evidence about students’ experiences and their expectations of university libraries in relation to wellbeing. The intelligence report will help support academic libraries to develop their own evidence-based, strategic response to this important issue and enable them to:
Use student voice to inform planning: Evidence students’ expectations regarding the role of university libraries in wellbeing. Use student voice to inform strategic planning around this issue.
Inform service development: Measure students’ current experiences of libraries’ wellbeing activities to identify what is working and what isn’t, to inform future development and improvement
Identify areas for improvement: Understand which aspects of the library service may be impacting negatively on student wellbeing, and ways this could be improved
Engage more students in training and support: Explore how library support and training for students are perceived and how this activity could be more engaging and impact.
- How do library spaces impact on student wellbeing?
- How are libraries current wellbeing initiatives viewed by students?
- What are students’ expectations of libraries in relation to wellbeing?
- Are there aspects of library services that impact negatively on student wellbeing?
- What types of support and training would students benefit from?
- What services and initiatives are having the biggest positive impact on wellbeing?
- What role are/could library staff playing in student wellbeing?
Project partners
This project was developed in partnership with a number of clients who helped to shape the research design through our collaborative University Futures model. With thanks to:
- University of Aberdeen
- University of Dundee
- University of Exeter
- University of Hertfordshire
- University of Salford