Understanding the drivers and experiences of cheating and plagiarism: a students’ perspective

Our latest collaborative research project for universities will provide intelligence on students’ real life experiences of cheating and plagiarism to further inform, frame and action policies and practices that will help students better understand the “rules” of academic study and reduce the number of disciplinary cases.

Current student behaviours
Students are unclear about the boundaries of cheating and plagiarism. In our recent study exploring undergraduate information literacy with eleven university libraries:

  • 14% of undergraduates had paid for someone else to complete an assignment for them
  • 22% of students had asked someone else to complete an assignment for them
  • 24% of students had directly copied and pasted information without referencing the source
  • 78% of students had shared answers with course mates.

Much this behaviour is driven by other factors for example pressures on time, a lack of knowledge and understanding of the rules, or under-developed academic skills. In fact, 38% of students said they would be too embarrassed to ask for help with their studies.

Why join the collaboration?

Our latest project aims to provide fresh intelligence on the reality of students’ understanding, behaviours and experiences around cheating and plagiarism to help develop meaningful interventions.

Collaborating partners will have the opportunity to help shape the research design, but at this stage we expect to:

  • Develop a more in-depth understanding of the drivers of, and mechanisms for, committing academic misconduct, both deliberate cheating and unintentional behaviours
  • Evidence students knowledge of the rules and best practices surrounding academic conduct, and identify the gaps in understanding
  • Identify the factors and supportive mechanisms which will reduce the likelihood of students engaging in these behaviours
  • Explore how student demographics and lifestyles impact attitudes and approaches to academic misconduct

How does the collaboration work?

The project will kick-off with a collaborative workshop, bringing together participating universities from across the UK. Fresh intelligence will be delivered through a strategic report based one a new national quantitative research with over 1,000 students and qualitative exploration.

Alterline’s unique collaborative research model brings universities together to work on common challenges and build communities of innovative practice. By taking part you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Help shape the research design
  • Share ideas and build links with other institutions
  • Save time and resource with Alterline’s full-service research support
  • Gain detailed insights from the full strategic research report and easily implement actions from the practical recommendations
  • Easily share high level insights with your key stakeholders from summary documents and presentations.

How much does it cost?

Joining this collaboration means you will have access to the valuable insights and practical recommendations for just £4,950 (excl. VAT). This is a fraction of the cost of commissioning individual research, giving you superb value for money.

For more information click here to email Sharon Steele, Client Communities Manager, at sharon.steele@alterline.co.uk or call 0161 503 5760.