Engaged alumni have the power to feed university recruitment, enrich the student experience, improve graduate employability, fund new innovation and provide real-world links for research and enterprise. Alterline’s Alumni Life Pulse provides insight into your alumni population, delivering the intelligence you need to drive alumni engagement and demonstrate your impact.
Why join Alumni Life Pulse?
How does the Alumni Life Pulse survey work?
At the heart of the Alumni Life Pulse is an online, customisable, questionnaire designed by Higher Education experts working in partnership with university alumni teams. A set of core questions make up the benchmark question set, with further modules used to make the questionnaire work for you. Question areas include:
Which universities are members and what are the community and benchmarking benefits?
Alterline’s unique collaborative model brings universities together to work on common challenges and build communities of innovative practice. Joining the Pulse community means you will have access to opportunities to network, share ideas and build links with other institutions at Pulse workshops. Each year, we’ll produce a benchmarking report showing your core results against other community members to facilitate shared learning. We are already working with the Alumni engagement teams at Lancaster University, Liverpool John Moores University, the University of East Anglia and Edinburgh Napier University.
What are the costs involved?
The core Alumni Pulse insight package costs £5,950 + VAT and there are additional options you can choose to add on to customise the insight to meet any bespoke needs you may have, including permissions lists, contact updating and case studies. Please contact us for more information about pricing using the contact details below.